Sunday 13 November 2011

Two weeks later

So it has been two weeks since my first post and so far I am successful. I have lost 4.6 pounds. I am very happy with the that. That lose comes mostly just from not eating after supper. Instead I have just been drinking water. Lots and lots of water. Seems to be helping. This week my challenge to myself is to do at least 15 minutes of exercise a day. Whether that is skipping rope or using my elipitcal while I watch tv or just lifting weights while I sit on the couch. Something has to be better than nothing. We shall see what the results are at the next weigh in. I tell ya, even though it has only been two weeks of changing the way I eat and the way I think about food, I feel so much better. It is amazing how good you can feel and how much more energy I have. It is addicting.

Be back soon.

p.s. I read one of the best quotes the other day. I can't remember who said it but it goes "Don't reward yourself with food. You're not a dog." So true. Especially for me, when I am trying to lose weight I always say...'once I lose 5 pounds I will reward myself with _______ (fill in favourite snack here). Now I am going to reward myself with weight lose not food.

Have a great week!

Saturday 29 October 2011

Weight Watchers Member....again

Hopefully third times a charm. On Friday October 28, 2011, I joined Weight Watchers for the third time. The first time I was a member, I was very successful and lost almost 30 pounds. After not being a member for almost a year, I put most of the wieght back on and thought I should try Weight Watchers again. That time wasn't as successful and I stopped going. Today I am almost back up to my original weight, before I joined WW the first time. As of Oct. 28, 2011, I weigh 236.6 lbs. Putting that in writing on the internet is hard. I think that blogging my weight loss journey might make it easier and more informative for me. I am hoping to learn some things about myself. I would like to know why I have such a hard time controlling my food intake. Why I think it is okay to sit down in front of the tv and eat a whole, large bag of chips and a large container of one night. Deep down I know it's not okay, I know it's not healthy and I know I shouldn't do it but I still do and in the morning I am very disappointed in myself and very regretful of my actions but it certainly doesn't stop me from doing it again. And again. Everyday I make a pledge to myself to eat better and exercise more and every day I disappoint myself. This time will be different, not that I haven't said that before but I truly believe that it will and that I finally have the determination and will power to do what I need to do to change my life around.

Fingers Crossed!
